When comparing Fedora vs Ubuntu, the Slant community recommends Fedora for most people. In the question “What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” Fedora is ranked 13th while Ubuntu is ranked 31st. The most important reason people chose Fedora is:

Fedora vs. Ubuntu: Linux Distros Compared | The Better Parent Jul 10, 2019 Ubuntu or Fedora: which one to use and why • Linux Hub Installing proprietary drivers is easier in Ubuntu. On the other hand, Fedora adheres to software open-source, so installing proprietary drivers on Fedora is a challenge. Support and user base. And Ubuntu and Fedora support forums community. Ubuntu has two main forum: UbuntuForums and Ask Ubuntu . At Fedora there is one main forum Ask Fedora . Fedora vs Ubuntu detailed comparison as of 2020 - Slant When comparing Fedora vs Ubuntu, the Slant community recommends Fedora for most people. In the question “What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” Fedora is ranked 13th while Ubuntu is ranked 31st. The most important reason people chose Fedora is:

Ubuntu is the most popular out of the two while Fedora is the fourth. As you can see, there is not much difference between Fedora and Ubuntu, but no on likes to be fourth, right? Ther are other differences between Fedora and Ubuntu such as Ubuntu is based on Debian while Fedora is based on Red Hat Linux.

Fedora vs Ubuntu - LinuxConfig.org May 28, 2020

Ubuntu is a better bet for a desktop user with less Linux experience. However, Fedora would work just as well for something like a computer lab where someone with expertise can set up the workstations.

Ubuntu’s latest non-LTS version Ubuntu 19.10 like Fedora comes with Gnome 3.34. Unlike Fedora, it uses Linux Kernel version 5.3.0. Ubuntu 18.04.3 which is the current LTS version of Ubuntu has Gnome version 3.28 and uses Linux Kernel Version 5.0. Fedora ‘s Gnome 3.34 comes in the purest form with no pre-installed add-ons or extensions.