How To Play and Control YouTube Videos on PS3 Using iPhone

Sep 15, 2017 how to connect iphone to ps3? | Yahoo Answers Jul 13, 2008 [Tutorial]connect ps3/ps4 controller to iphone without

May 08, 2020

Below, we will show you the best answers to the question how to connect PS3 controller to PC. Versions of Windows lower than 10 usually have a pretty easy time setting up different controllers. While unofficial controllers, such as Hama, can be installed simply by connecting them via USB to a computer connected to the Internet and waiting for How to Connect a PS4 or Xbox Controller to Your iPhone or iPad Oct 02, 2019 How do I find the passkey for my Bluetooth device

Jul 27, 2013

While the PlayStation 3 is an awesome gaming console and the iPhone is an awesome smartphone, Apple and Sony have made two devices (that could be perfect for each other) nearly incompatible. Truth be told, this is more Apple's fault than Sony's, but we'll get into that later. However, there are a few things you can do with your iPhone on your PS3, which I've touched upon before. Using iPhone 5 personal hotspot with Playstation 3 / PS3 Nov 16, 2012